• Why Does Your Android mobile app need voice navigation?


    When it comes to your mobile app, voice navigation is the single most important factor in ensuring that you remain competitive. 

    An intuitive, easy-to-use interface and user experience are just the beginning of the benefits of using voice navigation for your Android app. 

    Voice navigation can also help improve retention rates and engagement levels within your app by making it easier for users to find what they need when they need it.

    If you are planning for Andriod app development for your next big project, then here is why you must consider incorporating voice navigation. 

    • Convenience

    Voice navigation is more convenient than typing. You can answer a call, check the weather, and even look up directions without taking your eyes off the road. 

    It's also easier to use than reading from a screen because you don't need to focus on what you're saying or looking at it closely anymore. 

    Voice-based systems can be more accurate as well when compared with typing in text fields on mobile devices because there are fewer errors created by typos or incorrectly pronounced words. 

    This means less stress for users who are already prone to upsetting themselves from having too much on their minds. 

    So if you are outsourcing your Android development service, ensure that you inform the team to include voice navigation in their checklist. 

    • Leverage Increasing voice search popularity

    Voice search is becoming more popular, and it's not just because you can use your phone to do everything from ordering a pizza to sending text messages. It's also because technology has gotten better over time. 

    Voice search is more convenient than typing and more accurate than typing—and it's much easier to forget about using voice search if you're in a hurry or distracted by other things around you, such as someone having their feet up on your table while they talk on their phone or people walking into the room with their earbuds in.

    In addition, if there are any concerns about privacy when using voice commands, then we have an excellent solution: just ask Google Assistant.  

    No need to say anything out loud; all our customers will hear is "OK Google" followed by whatever message they want spoken aloud.


    • Reach a broader audience

    Voice navigation can be used by people with disabilities. For example, if you have a visually impaired user who uses a text-to-speech app or smartphone (like Google Talk), then they'll be able to use voice navigation instead of reading text on their phone screen.

    It is also useful for those who don't want to look at their phone all the time—for example, when driving or walking around town—and would rather use their hands than stare at their smartphones all day long.

    • Increased inclusivity and accessibility

    Voice navigation is great for people with visual impairments, motor skill issues, and those who are hands-free. If you're using your Android mobile app to drive customers from point A to point B, then it's important that the interface is easy enough for anyone to use.

    It allows users with visual impairments or motor skills issues a way around those challenges – simply say what you want.

    If your app has been designed well enough, then this will be intuitive and quick enough for everyone (even if they don't speak English).

    • Easier Multitasking

    Voice navigation is a great way to multitask. It can be used while driving, cooking, and even while you are doing other things!

    In fact, many people use voice navigation on their Android mobile phones as soon as they get into their car. This helps them stay focused on the road and not worry about finding the right app or website.

    According to the developer who provides Android development service, another reason why many people prefer using Google Now over other third-party apps is that it's very easy to use and does not require any special skills or knowledge in order to navigate through your day-to-day life without having any trouble understanding how everything works together as it should work together.


    Voice navigation works best when there are no distractions while driving or operating heavy machinery because you cannot look down at the screen while talking through Bluetooth headphones. 

    It also makes communication safer since one person can control multiple devices without having to worry about switching between devices mid-sentence each time they want to speak aloud to someone else. 

    If this sounds like something that would work well for your business, then get started with it right away!

  • JavaScript Frameworks: Everything You Should Know About Best JavaScript Frameworks For 2023


    The beauty of modern day technology lies in the collaborations. Years back developers actually had to write codes on regular notepads and had to create designs through HTML and CSS files. Then all of it would be put together and the constant back and forth would affect the performances of websites.

    The websites however, were not demanding in terms of what they wanted to perform. So an ensemble of technologies was enough for the static features and informative nature of those websites. With modern day needs of putting lots of high definition content on a website along with rapid quick exchange of the same data, developers need better resources and an integrated development.

    What Are Frameworks?

    Frameworks are platforms that offer the best functionalities of a programming language they are set upon. If it is a framework built on PHP, it offers the best features of PHP in an intuitive way. If it is built on JavaScript, it does the same for JavaScript.

    Frameworks know how to optimize a programming language. They offer intuitive features like auto-complete for codes, drag and drop of blocks, code suggestions and error solving. Frameworks also have integrated code libraries which are pre-coded programs that are popular. With the help of all these, developers are able to code the programs faster. The speed positively affects the costs and the efficiency of a program.

    What Are JavaScript Frameworks?

    A JavaScript framework is a platform that offers the best functionalities and features of the programming language JavaScript. It offers, as iterated earlier, pre-coded programs, code libraries and intuitive features like auto-completion, code suggestion and corrections. 

    These features make the overall process of coding a lot simpler. The length of the code is shortened and the programs are leaner. This makes the process of updating these programs easy. The shorter length also makes them quicker to perform. 

    Best JavaScript Frameworks For 2023

    The success of any framework is only down to its ability to optimize the programming language. Many website builders and frameworks have offered great means to the developers to build websites and apps. Since the programming language itself keeps updating its core and its syntax, it is always a race among these frameworks to make the most of the latest JavaScript updates. 

    Based on the historical performances, current past and a foreseeable future, here are the best JavaScript frameworks for the coming year.


    Unlike other frameworks, Node.js operates outside the browser window in a dedicated environment. With over 83,000 stars, Node.js is one of the highest rated frameworks for JavaScript on GitHub. Node is built to make scalable apps on it. As a result of that, it has great capabilities to host third party integrations like libraries, APIs and other pre-coded programs. Since it is built on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine, it loads all of Google’s official APIs faster than any other platform.

    Its best feature is the Node Package Manager which has over a million JavaScript libraries. The availability of rich resources makes it an obvious choice for developers. 


    React is a product from the Meta (formerly known as Facebook Inc) family. Coming from such a resourceful parent company, React has its own benefits. The biggest benefit of using React is that it offers a Native solution for apps across different platforms. Businesses that want an app for both Android as well as iOS opt for React Native application development services. The core of the application program remains the same across both platforms. This makes it easier for businesses to maintain uniformity in the user experience. 

    One of React’s most popular features is Components. Components are self-contained modules that can be reused throughout the program. These components come really handy when you are rolling out version updates. All you have to do is to change the code in the location. 



    Angular is an open source framework that uses the Model View Controller architecture to its best. It also uses the concept of data binding. With the help of data binding, Angular synchronizes the data between the database and the client. This eliminates any need for developers to write requests and responses. 

    Angular depends on the browser to build a page. This distributes the load that the server might already be bearing.



    Vue.js is one of the fastest growing frameworks for JavaScript. It is the youngest of the lot and possesses some serious threat in terms of its popularity among the developers. Vue is a frontend JavaScript framework. Much of its emphasis is on building single page applications. Vue takes the best of both React and Angular. It takes the template strategy from Angular and the componentization from React.

    With futuristic features like incremental use model, MVC architecture, usage of virtual DOM (Document Object Model) and reactivity system, Vue.js is quickly becoming a fan favorite among new age developers.



    Ember.js focuses much on building interactive user interfaces. The whole development model of Ember is built around handling HTML and CSS files. The development process is also defined by the component-based approach. Since it is focused on building rich UIs, it prioritizes unconventional functionalities.


    Frameworks are making the app building process fairly simple. The availability of complex codes at the fingertips along with the UI focused functionalities make the rather jarring experience of programming an app a lot more relaxed. The key here is to enhance the capabilities of already existing features of the programming language as well as the recently updated ones. At this point, the platforms owned by larger parent companies like Google and Meta are dominating the market for JavaScript frameworks. But looking at the inventiveness of the new frameworks and the rising popularity among the younger developers, it is safe to say that the only winners in this race are going to be the apps.

  • A New Way To Test Beta Versions Of Ios Before They Are Released To The Public


    Apple has always had a rigorous software testing process when launching new versions of the operating system. It involves uploading beta versions to developers and testing them on their devices in order to find bugs before they are released to the general public. 

    However, this process has changed slightly with the launch of iOS 16 and its new feature called public beta testers. With iOS 16, Apple is making it easier for users to become beta testers who get early access to pre-release software and offer feedback before releases are made public. 

    Therefore, here’s everything you need to know about testing beta versions of iOS, including how to sign up and get early access.

    What is a public beta tester and how does it work?

    A public beta tester is someone who gets early access to new features and beta versions of iOS. It is like the developer beta, except that anyone can join, as long as they have a compatible device and sign up through the Beta Software Program. 

    Public beta testers get access to new beta versions of iOS before they are made available to the general public. So you have the opportunity to use new features and provide feedback, which Apple will use to improve the final product before the update is made available to everyone. 

    How to sign up to be an iOS 16 public beta tester?

    In order to sign up to be a public beta tester, you first need to make sure you have a compatible device. 

    You will also have to agree to the terms and conditions of the Beta Software Program when signing up. It means you will have to provide feedback on the beta software, as well as acknowledge that you may encounter bugs while testing. 

    Here’s how to sign up: 

    Image Source

    • Scroll to the “Become a Tester” section and click on “Get Started”. 

    • Select the device type of your choice. 

    • Agree to the Beta Software Program terms and conditions. 

    • Enter your Apple ID details, and agree to the terms and conditions once again.


    Benefits of being an iOS 16 public beta tester

    As a public beta tester, you will get early access to custom iOS app development features that are in development and not yet available to the general public. In exchange, you will be asked to provide feedback on the new features, what you like and what needs improving. 


    Although being a public beta tester isn’t something everyone will be interested in, it is a great way to get a sneak peek at what is coming up in future versions of iOS. It will also give you a chance to test out upcoming features before they are available to the general public. 

    As a public beta tester, you will be able to try out new features before they are fully developed and ready for release. It is a great way to get first-hand experience with new features or updates before they are made available to everyone.

    How to sign out of the Beta Program after testing?

    If you decide that you no longer want to test beta versions of iOS and be a public beta tester, you can sign out at any time. However, you will no longer be able to download or view the beta software and beta versions of iOS. 

    Here’s how to sign out of the Beta Program: 

    • Navigate to beta.apple.com on your computer’s web browser. 

    • Scroll to the “Become a Tester” section and click on “Sign Out”. 

    • You will be asked to confirm your choice, so click “Sign Out” once again.



    The public beta program has been a great way for Apple to test its software before it is released. It gives users a chance to try out new versions of iOS and macOS and report bugs before they are released to the public. In consonance, it allows Apple to fix any major issues before releasing the update and makes sure that everything works as expected.

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